Wednesday, 9 April 2014

oh my!

during my midterm holiday, I really hoping that I can rest my whole body at home and stay away from the assignments and all that that relate to university matters. But seems that all my hoping was ruin just now. 

by listing all the works that must settle after the midterm semester, I feel like really burden to be a university student which to be specific be a QS student. after midterm, i have to do my presentation on my thesis proposal, complete my grouping assignment, japanese test.! OH MY! my sweet time really gone slowly and mind and soul start to mess and I feel like to cry right now.

think about my works, think about my relationship, and think about my future. if I follow my heart, I feel like to quit, but when Im thinking about my parents hope, I dont want to do so.. 

and the best thing, put your hand to your heart and slowly speak "all ezz well"  like 3idiots movie.
do lot of work, less your speak..  and keep smiling. go irah !