Tuesday, 4 March 2014


seriusly aku sedih sgt skrg nie. seems like I want to fly. back to my home. see my parents at home. thats what I really want rite now. dduk sini pun mcm xde function je. migu fst, kls blom mula. harith pun busy. aku tau aku xleh nk xpac die bleh tman aku 24jam. tp.... wlaupun xleh, tu yg aku hrp die wt skrg. 

ptot x aku balik sne. ke aku stay je kt sni. aku mmg rindu dgn parents aku. fmily aku. tp xpela.aku sabar la. bln dpan nk balik dah.. sabar yea shahira. mood down :(